Synonyms Starting With K, L, M

Concept Explanation

Synonyms Starting With K, L, M

Synonyms Antonyms


A word or phrase that has the same meaning as another word or phrase in the same language.


A word or phrase having opposite meaning as another word or phrase in the same language.

Synonyms Antonyms Staring With K, L and M

Questions related to synonyms and antonyms require a strong word power or vocabulary also it requires proper knowledge of the usage of appropriate words.In the table below we have given certain words and the lists of Synonyms and Antonyms separately. A students is required to study the words carefully. These words will add to the vocabulary that you have already mastered.

S. No Word Synonyms Antonyms
1. Kindred relation, species, relative, affinity unrelated, dissimilar, hetrogeneous, disparate
2. Keen sharp, poignant, eager, acute vapid, insipid, blunt, undesiring
3. Knave dishonest, scoundrel, vagabond, rogue paragon, innocent, benefactor, idealist
4. Knell death knell, last blow, demolish, suppress reconstruction, rediscovery, procreation, resurrection
5. Knotty complicated, difficult, arduous, onerous simple, manageable, tractable, flexible glue
6. Luxuriant profuse, abundant, dense, plentiful scanty, meagre, inadequate, deficient
7. luscious palatable, delicious, delectable, delightful unsavoury, tart, sharp, sour
8. Lure attract, entice, tempt, induce repel, dissuade, confute, threaten
9. Lunacy delusion, insanity, madness, imbecility normalcy, sanity, sagacity, shrewdness
10. Ludicrous absurd, bizarre, preposterous, grotesque balanced, congruous, consistent, solemn
11. Lucid sound, rational, coherent, sane obscure, hidden, incomprehensible, unintelligible
12. Listless lazy, inattentive, spiritless, incurious brisk, attentive, diligent, agile
13. Linger foiter, prolong, hesitate, delay hasten, quicken, dart, hurry
14. Liberate emancipate, rescue, unshackle, absolve suppress, menacle, obstruct, detain
15. Liberal magnanimous, hospitality, generous, benevolence stingy, niggardly, malevolent, malicious
16. Liable accountable, bound, responsible, likely unaccountable, apt to, irresponsible, exempt
17. Lenient compassionate, merciful, moderate, tolerant cruel, severe, violent, vehement
18. Lax slack, careless, negligence, indifferent firm, reliable, meticulous, scruplous
19. Lavish abundant, excessive, profuse, extravagant scarce, deficient, frugal, conserve
20. Lassitude languor, tiredness, weariness, lethargy vivacity, agility, animate, lively
21. Laudable deserving, honourable, praiseworthy, acceptable vicious, blame worthy, venomous, condemnable
22. Languid pensive, lethargic, exhausted, fatigued lively, animated, refreshed, restored
23. Lament grieve, deplore, regret, bemoan amuse, entertain, enliven, solace
24. Lag retard, falter, linger, dawdle quicken, accelerate, expedite, spurt
25. Laconic brief, condensed, concise, compact dilated, profused, diffuse, wordy
26. Mutual joint, identical, correlative, reciprocal separate, distinct, divergent, individual
27. Mutinous recalcitrant, insurgent, unruly, revolutionary submissive, faithful, compliant, loyal
28. Murky dusky, dreary, dismal, bleak bright, shining, luminous, radiant
29. Munificent liberal, hospitable, benevolent, kind frugal, penurious, moderate, economical
30. Multitude crowd, throng, mass, swarm minority, handful, paucity, scarcity
31. Morose surly, sulky, sullen, depressed sprightly, animated, buoyant, blithe
32. Monotonous irksome, tedious, humdrum, insipid varied, pleasant, appealing, captivating
33. Momentous notable, eventful, consequential, stirring trivial, insignificant, commonplace, immaterial
34. Mollify appease, assuage, relieve, mitigate irritate, infuriate, aggravate, exasperate
35. Molest pester, harass, vex, misbehave console, soothe, comfort, cheer
36. Modest reserved, unpretentious, humble, courteous audacious, arrogant, pompous, vain
37. Moderate limited, reasonable, lenient, temperate excessive, extravagant, violent, vehement
38. Mitigate alleviate, relieve, lessen, assuage augment, enhance, intensify, aggravate
39. Miraculous marvellous, extraordinary, astounding, amazing ordinary. trivial, familiar., natural
40. Minute diminutive, miniature, small, microscopic large, colossal, stupendous, immense
41. Mettle courage, determination, stamina, spirit timidity, fear, cowardice, diffident
42. Meritorious commendable, admirable, deserving, praiseworthy unworthy, infamous, disreputable, culpable
43. Mercurial variable, changeable, unstable, erratic stable, constant, steady, steadfast
44. Mendacity falsehood, deception, perjury, perfidious probity, honesty, veracity, candour
45. Melodious dulcet, musical, harmonious, sweet grating, dissonant, discordant, rancour

Illustration : - In the following sentences a word phrase is written in bold. For each bold part four words/phrases are listed below each sentence. Choose the word nearest in meaning to bold part.

 He displayed a distinct tendency to long-winded speeches when asked how he was.

A.  Boring                B. Repetitive               C. Circumlocutory            D. Hyperbolic

Answer: C

Illustration : - In the following sentences a word phrase is written in bold. For each bold part four words/phrases are listed below each sentence. Choose the word nearest to the opposite in meaning to bold part.

Modesty is the virtue but it must not be allowed to be exploited.

A. Reserve              B. Boldness           C. Mildness            D. Humility

Answer: B

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Directions: The given word followed by four words or groups of words.Select the word that is similar in meaning to the main word.


Right Option : D
View Explanation
Question : 2

Directions: In the given sentences a word or phrase is written in bold and blue followed by four words/phrases. Choose the most appropriate word/phrase closest in meaning to the bold and blue word or phrase.

The country's economy is beginning to look up now.  

Right Option : D
View Explanation
Question : 3

Directions The given word followed by four words or groups of words. Select the word that is furthest (opposite) in meaning to the main word.


Right Option : B
View Explanation

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